Fuel 4 Life

What to Eat to Enhance Running Performance

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” -Virginia Woolf


Imagine you are seated alone at a large dining table.  In front of you are 2 plates covered with shiny silver domes.  You have no idea what food is beneath the covers, but in front of each plate there is a sign.

Sign #1 reads:  ‘The delicious food on this plate contains all the nutrients you will need for optimal health and wellness of mind, body, heart, and soul.  It will leave you energized and ready to tackle anything life throws your way.’

Sign #2 reads: ‘The food on this plate tastes really good, but will leave you feeling…meh.’

Which one do you choose?  Hmmm….decisions, decisions.

Food is Fuel

There are 5 Essential Nutrient Classes our bodies need to function properly:

  1. Water– delivers nutrients to working muscles and assists in temperature regulation
  2. Carbohydrates- provides energy to fuel muscles and prevent mental fatigue
  3. Protein- provides building blocks for protein synthesis which allows for proper cell function, mental energy and recovery from exercise
  4. Fat- provides fatty acids for optimal cell function, hormone balance, and energy production
  5. Vitamins, Minerals, & Phytonutrients- micronutrients that allow carbohydrates, protein and fat to be used efficiently and appropriately in the body

When we fuel our bodies correctly with essential nutrients and micronutrients we will see the benefit in not only our athletic performance, but our daily lives.  If we consistently choose to fill our hunger with “junk” food, our performance and health will suffer.

A Balanced Meal Plan

So when faced with the decision of which plate to choose, it’s kind of a no-brainer, right? We all want to feel our best everyday, so it would be natural that we would choose Plate #1. However, lift the covers, lose the printed warning signs, and all bets are off as we navigate through life not necessarily making the best choices for our long term health, but what we want at that particular moment.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that every single thing you put in your mouth needs to be all fruits and veggies, all the time.  I mean, I’m all for a plate of pasta or a bowl of ice cream now and then. Most things, in moderation, are perfectly fine for most people.  But, when you are looking to optimize your training, nothing can compare to a well thought out, balanced meal plan.

Nutrition impacts athletic performance.  That is a fact. This includes not only what you eat right before or right after a workout, but everything in between.


Every body is unique.  When working on a meal plan for yourself, it may be helpful to seek the help of a professional nutritionist or dietician to lead you down the right path for you.  For our purposes today, I’m going to leave you with some suggestions for how to fuel pre- and post- workout.

What to Eat Before a Workout

Again, it’s important to find what works for you.  You may need to do some trial and error to figure out what leaves you feeling your best and most energized. 

For me, during the week, I tend to do fasted workouts.  Waking early in the morning, I feel best simply hydrating with 4-8 oz of water before I hit the road or the gym, and drinking more as needed during exercise.  Fasted workouts are definitely not for everyone. You need to listen to your body and do what makes you feel best.

For weekend sessions, which generally includes a long run, I choose a light breakfast low in fat containing complex carbs and a small amount of protein.  

My go-to is ½ plain bagel, ½ banana, cup of coffee along with 8-10 oz of water.  Some other great options are:

  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • Granola bar and ½ banana
  • Nutrition bar
  • Smoothie

During particularly long or challenging workouts I make sure to replenish electrolytes with my favorite electrolyte drink, Nuun.  


What to Eat After a Workout

Post-workout nutrition is equally as important since that will determine whether your muscles recover effectively.  Eating a snack or light meal containing both carbs and protein within 30 minutes of completion, and then again within 2 hours will aid in optimizing muscle recovery.

My go-to post-run is a Protein shake made with almond milk.  Some other great options are:

  • Low-fat chocolate milk
  • Trail mix and banana
  • fruit/yogurt smoothie
  • Bagel w/peanut butter

Find what works for you!

Make Good Choices

Hopefully this helps shed some light on why making good food choices is essential for optimizing health, wellness, and athletic performance.  In the end, most people, myself included, will never choose “Option 1”, 100% of the time, and that’s OK.  Again, my personal philosophy is, “everything in moderation”.  Most days, I drink my protein shake….and some days, I go straight for the donut.  

For more detailed nutrition information for different types of runs, check out this great article by Heather Mayer Irvine at Runner’s World:

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