Motivation 4 Life,  Run 4 Life

The Secret to Running That No One Will Tell You

“The miracle isn’t that I finished.  The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” -John Bingham

You Wish

It’s a beautiful, crisp sunny day and you’re driving down the street, listening to your favorite podcast when something up ahead catches your eye.  You can’t quite make it out at first, but as you get closer the movement becomes more clear…feet and arms moving in sync, ponytail flipping back and forth, the hint of a smile glimmering in the sunlight…it is a Runner.

Have you ever witnessed someone running down the street, immersed in the moment, and envied their strength, determination, and commitment, and then thought…”I wish I could do that”?

Stop Wishing, Start Doing

Well, I’m here to tell you…you CAN do it.  But first, you need to stop ‘wishing‘, and start ‘doing‘.  

Of course, there are some popular tips that can help you get started on your journey to becoming a runner:

  1. Wear the right sneakers
  2. Schedule it into your day
  3. Start slowly
  4. Stay hydrated
  5. Include a proper warm-up and cool-down in your routine

These basic tips are pretty straight forward and typical of what you might find on any runner’s blog.  But, I promised you more, didn’t I?

The Secret...

So, my friend, here it is…the secret to becoming a runner that no one is telling you…The very first thing you must do if you want to start running…before you do any of the 5 steps listed above, is:


Yes, you read that right…the number one, most crucial thing you have to do in order to be a successful runner is change your mindset.  Your body can literally do just about anything.  Your only limits lie within your mind.  The first part of doing anything is believing that you can.

Running is as much a mental sport, as physical.  Even after running for over 20 years, and logging tens of thousands of miles, it is still a mental game that I have come to enjoy playing.  Your body is capable of so much more than you give it credit for. 

So if you have been thinking about becoming a runner, and didn’t know where to begin, treat your Mindset like your very first Starting Line.  Train for it.  Push through waves of doubt.  Tell that little voice inside your head that tries to talk you out of it to sit the hell down, because you are a Badass and you have work to do, plans to make, and goals to reach.

Do You Have What it Takes?

Well…do you?  Do you have the guts to believe in yourself?  To challenge yourself?  To change your mindset?


You are in control of your mindset and when you choose to believe that you can do something, there is no stopping you!  So now that we got that out of the way, we can get back to basics and focus on the 5 tips I shared with you earlier in this post in a little more detail:

  1. Wear the right sneakers-
    • The one investment you must make before hitting the pavement, track, or trail, is the right pair of running shoes.  There are virtually thousands of options, which can be overwhelming, so I recommend visiting your local running store for some guidance in choosing the perfect pair for you.
  2. Schedule it into your day-
    • Treat your running time like any other appointment you make.  Put it on your calendar and make it non-negotiable.
  3. Start slowly-
    • As you begin, run for time, not distance.  Try alternating between running and walking.  This will help your body to adjust to the higher impact of running and build up your endurance.  Over time, you can adjust the ratio of running vs. walking until you are running the entire length of your workout.
  4. Stay hydrated-
    • Make sure to fuel  your body with nutritious foods and hydrate properly so that you have enough energy to fuel your runs.
  5. Include a proper warm-up and cool-down in your routine-
    • Warm up some dynamic stretching and a 3-5 minute walk to begin to elevate your heart rate and get your body used to moving.  After your run, cool down with a 3-5 minute walk to bring your heart rate back down.

The Big Question Mark

The next time you catch a glimpse of a runner, and find yourself longing to join in… don’t wish, just do.

Elite runner, Peter Maher, coined the phrase:

“Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day.  It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today.'”

Well…which is it?

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