Products I Love,  Run 4 Life

Finding Confidence in a Great Pair of Shoes

“Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world.” -Marilyn Monroe

Feelings & Fairytales

The right pair of shoes can elicit the most intense feelings- confidence, joy, badassery.  They can make or break an outfit, an interview, a game, or a run. Comfortably fitting shoes are important, but the PERFECT shoes can make you feel invincible.

From the moment Cinderella’s fairy godmother waves her magic wand and the glass slippers appear on her feet, Cinderella becomes empowered to stand up for herself, rebel against her wicked stepmother and take control of her life.

Dorothy follows the yellow brick road in her ruby slippers to find the Wizard of Oz in search of answers, all the while neglecting to realize that she alone held the power to turn her dreams into reality.

After Forrest Gump breaks free from the constraints of his leg braces and Jenny buys him his white Nike trainers, he meanders through life in a multitude of fascinating directions.  As Forrest’s mom likes to say, ‘You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes- where they goin’, where they been’.

The way I feel when I lace up the perfect pair of new running sneakers for the first time is some kind of amazing combination of all of those three scenarios combined- Empowered, Confident, & ready to conquer anything that comes my way.

Be You

If you ask most seasoned runners, they will happily tell you a brand of shoes that they swear by.  I, for one, am whole-heartedly devoted to Brooks.  Their slogan is “run happy”, and that, I do…every single time I lace up.  They tend to have a wider toe box and depending which series you go with, you can match the cushioning and stability options to what feels best for your individual fit and preference.  You can check out their selection on their website and even take a brief quiz to help lead you in the right direction.

Though most runners will gladly offer you advice and guidance, remember this…You Be You!  What’s great for one person may not be the right choice for someone else.  In the end, if you’re unsure what would work best for you, I highly recommend visiting your local running store and getting some help from a professional.  I’ve been going to Rhode Runner in Providence, RI for years and absolutely love the knowledgeable and friendly staff.

Finding Your Glass Slipper

Just as Cinderella’s glass slippers fit her perfectly, so too should your running shoes.  If you’re just getting into running, or if  you’re a seasoned runner who could use a refresher, here’s a list of the most important things to keep in mind when buying a pair of running shoes:

  1. What surface will you be running on? 
    • Whether you plan to take your runs through a trail or onto the open road, there’s a shoe for that.  Trail running involves rough, uneven terrain which calls for extra traction and more cushioning. Running on smoother surfaces such as a road or track calls for a lighter more flexible shoe.
  2. Have a running gait analysis done.
    • A running expert at your local specialty running store can provide a running gait analysis which is priceless in choosing the right shoes.  This analysis helps gauge your “pronation”, a fancy term for the amount that your foot rolls inward toward your arch when you walk or run. Whether you over-pronate (your foot rolls in excessively toward your arch) or you under-pronate (your foot rolls out) the right shoes can help stabilize your movement which helps with running efficiency and avoiding injury.
  3. Size matters
    • According to a study by the American College of Sports Medicine, 85% of people wear running shoes that don’t fit.  As a general rule, your big toe should be a thumbnail’s distance (or half an inch) from the end of the shoe. That could mean you go up a half or full size from your regular shoes.  Listen ladies, this is not a time for vanity. Believe me, your toes (and toenails) will thank you for the extra room.
  4. Shop in the evening.
    • Our feet swell as it gets later in the day.  Shop in the morning and you run the risk of not factoring in the extra room needed to account for swelling from the heat later in the day.
  5. Select by fit and feel, not how they look.
    • I know, I know…we all want to look cute, as well as perform well in our running gear, but the truth is, the better the fit, the more confident you’ll feel and we all look fabulous when we are wearing our Confidence!
  6. Replace shoes after 300-500ish miles.
    • Unfortunately, even your favorites won’t last forever.  Over time, the material in the sneakers loses its ability to absorb shock and can lead to overuse injuries.  Keep a mileage log and track your overall distance and pay attention to any aches and pains that may arise. It could be your body’s way of telling you that your shoes are past their prime.

The World is at Your Feet

Whenever I go shopping for new running shoes, I feel like a kid in a candy store.  It’s like finding a new friend to spend the next few hundred miles with. You want to make sure that “friend” will offer you the best support and guidance as you hit the road (or trails), so heed my advice, do your homework, and choose wisely. 

Ultimately, whatever brand, color, or size running shoes you choose I hope they make you feel as Empowered as Cinderella, as Confident as Dorothy, and as Fearless as Forrest Gump.

Now get out there and hit the ground running.  The world is at your feet…make sure you’re wearing the right running shoes.

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