The right pair of shoes can elicit the most intense feelings- confidence, joy, badassery. They can make or break an outfit, an interview, a game, or a run. Comfortably fitting shoes are important, but the PERFECT shoes can make you feel invincible.
From the moment Cinderella’s fairy godmother waves her magic wand and the glass slippers appear on her feet, Cinderella becomes empowered to stand up for herself, rebel against her wicked stepmother and take control of her life.
Dorothy follows the yellow brick road in her ruby slippers to find the Wizard of Oz in search of answers, all the while neglecting to realize that she alone held the power to turn her dreams into reality.
After Forrest Gump breaks free from the constraints of his leg braces and Jenny buys him his white Nike trainers, he meanders through life in a multitude of fascinating directions. As Forrest’s mom likes to say, ‘You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes- where they goin’, where they been’.
The way I feel when I lace up the perfect pair of new running sneakers for the first time is some kind of amazing combination of all of those three scenarios combined- Empowered, Confident, & ready to conquer anything that comes my way.