So when faced with the decision of which plate to choose, it’s kind of a no-brainer, right? We all want to feel our best everyday, so it would be natural that we would choose Plate #1. However, lift the covers, lose the printed warning signs, and all bets are off as we navigate through life not necessarily making the best choices for our long term health, but what we want at that particular moment.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that every single thing you put in your mouth needs to be all fruits and veggies, all the time. I mean, I’m all for a plate of pasta or a bowl of ice cream now and then. Most things, in moderation, are perfectly fine for most people. But, when you are looking to optimize your training, nothing can compare to a well thought out, balanced meal plan.
Nutrition impacts athletic performance. That is a fact. This includes not only what you eat right before or right after a workout, but everything in between.