As we turn the page on 2023, and open a new chapter, we pause. We breathe. We reflect.
We reflect on the accomplishments we achieved, those that we didn’t quite grasp, the obstacles we overcame, the challenges that made us stronger, the friendships we forged, and the connections we made in 2023.
With each passing year, it becomes more apparent how quickly time flies. You’ve got to grab on to life with both hands and make a conscious decision to live it to the fullest, be present, challenge yourself, and commit yourself to growth. Do what sets your soul on fire. Set goals. Set goals that make you uncomfortable. Set goals that scare the shit out of you.
Once you have your sights on that big, audacious goal, put in motion a daily plan that will help get you there. The beauty is in the journey, and you are headed somewhere you’ve never been before. Go with an open heart and mind. Embrace the challenges. Cherish the joy. Find your community that lifts you up and supports you; those people who cheer so loudly for you when you accomplish something, and lift you up to the mountaintops when you fall.
As you lay out your plans for 2024, know that there will be bumps along the road. The path ahead is not straight. There will be twists and turns and obstacles that get in the way. Keep moving forward, one step at a time. Be afraid, and do it anyway. Know that you are strong, you are smart, you are powerful, you are unstoppable. Be the bird that dares to fall.
Cheers to 2024 and all that lies ahead. Now, Let’s Fly!