New Year, Let’s Fly
January 1, 2024 /“The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly.” -unknown
Time Flies, So Should You
As we turn the page on 2023, and open a new chapter, we pause. We breathe. We reflect.
We reflect on the accomplishments we achieved, those that we didn’t quite grasp, the obstacles we overcame, the challenges that made us stronger, the friendships we forged, and the connections we made in 2023.
With each passing year, it becomes more apparent how quickly time flies. You’ve got to grab on to life with both hands and make a conscious decision to live it to the fullest, be present, challenge yourself, and commit yourself to growth. Do what sets your soul on fire. Set goals. Set goals that make you uncomfortable. Set goals that scare the shit out of you.
Once you have your sights on that big, audacious goal, put in motion a daily plan that will help get you there. The beauty is in the journey, and you are headed somewhere you’ve never been before. Go with an open heart and mind. Embrace the challenges. Cherish the joy. Find your community that lifts you up and supports you; those people who cheer so loudly for you when you accomplish something, and lift you up to the mountaintops when you fall.
As you lay out your plans for 2024, know that there will be bumps along the road. The path ahead is not straight. There will be twists and turns and obstacles that get in the way. Keep moving forward, one step at a time. Be afraid, and do it anyway. Know that you are strong, you are smart, you are powerful, you are unstoppable. Be the bird that dares to fall.
Cheers to 2024 and all that lies ahead. Now, Let’s Fly!
The Most Important 5 Minutes of Your Workout
August 2, 2021 /“Powerful things happen when you start putting in the work to achieve your goals. You become addicted to the progress and fall in love with the process.”
You are a Warrior
You wake up early to tackle your morning run. You hit the gym after a long day at work. You make time to fit in your workout because you have mad goals.
But what you’re NOT doing may just be setting you up for failure.
What you’re NOT doing can end up having long-term negative effects on your body.
What you’re NOT doing could be hindering your progress and keep you from reaching your goals.
Yup. You guessed it. The Post-Run Stretch.
We've All Been There
It’s easy to get so caught up in hitting goals in the actual workout that we decide that it’s no big deal to just ‘skip’ the stretching.
Or we determine we are running out of time and promise ourselves we will stretch ‘later’, which we never do.
Let’s face it, we’ve all been there.
The truth is, trying to reach our athletic goals without including stretching in our routine is like trying to bake a cake without adding the flour. That cake is going to fall flat. Just as flour is essential in getting that cake to rise, stretching is essential in ensuring that our bodies function properly and rise to the occasion of reaching our highest potential, not only now, but in the future as well.
Lies We Tell Ourselves
I know what you’re thinking. I’ve told myself those same lies in the past.
Lies we tell ourselves about stretching:
- I don’t have time
- I’ll do it later
- Stretching is boring and unnecessary
(Insert eyeroll here)
Truth is, the older I get, the more I realize how important those stretches actually are.
You know what’s boring? Not being able to run or exercise due to injury, tightness, and fatigue brought on by not spending those 5 short minutes after a run stretching the body that just provided me with that gift of movement.
To Stretch, or Not To Stretch...Is there really a Question?
Post-Run Stretching Results in:
- Increased blood flow to muscles and joints
- Improvement in flexibility and range of motion
- Reduced soreness and tight muscles
- Prevention of pain and stiffness
- Overall calm and relief of tension
Results of Not Stretching:
- Reduced mobility in joints and muscles
- Increased risk of injury
- More vulnerable to muscle pain and tightness
The list goes on and on but in the end, as runners, all we really need to hear is that post-run stretching can help us remain injury-free and active in the sport that we love for years to come.
My Top 10 Post-Run Stretches
The benefits of stretching already warm muscles at the end of a run or workout are exponential.
To make it easy for you, I’ve compiled my Top 10 Post-Run Stretches. And the best part is, these stretches will only take about 5 minutes to complete.
So, set goals, work hard, and get that stretching done. Remember to focus on proper form, stretch gently, and never bounce or “over-stretch”.
*Always consult a physician when starting any new exercise program.
Busting Through the Winter Blues
February 2, 2020 /"I'm going to pretend it's sunny and 75 degrees even when it's cold and cloudy."
The Struggle is REAL
Here in New England, Winter weather truly is “like a box of chocolates”. One day it’s unseasonably warm at 65 degrees and sunny, and the next you are hit with gale-force winds and 15 degree temps. As I’m writing this I’m thinking about the dude I saw out running this morning at 5:30am, 15 degrees, wearing shorts, while I was driving in my warm car on the way to the gym to hop on my beloved nemesis, ‘the dread-mill’. Does that make me a wimp, or does that make me smart? Either way, the Winter Blues has this runner feeling ‘Blah’.
It would be so easy on mornings like this to casually turn off my alarm, roll over, and dive back into the warm sleepy slumber of my bed, however, we are but the habits that we form. And I am a Morning Warrior. I love my early morning workouts for so many reasons.
- It means I get my workout in before my brain has a chance to talk my body out of it.
- I feel great knowing I have already accomplished something hard before I start the rest of my day.
- The first hour of my day is my “me” time, and it is non-negotiable.
The Lesser of 2 Evils
So on really cold winter mornings, making the decision about my workout is much like making a decision about how you want your eggs: Would you like your suffering in the form of bitter cold, dark streets, with less boredom (over hard), or would you like it complements of the steamy, brightly-lit, nothing to keep your mind occupied treadmill (scrambled)? I know some people don’t really mind the treadmill, but I am not ‘some people’. Nevertheless, on the days that the treadmill does seem like the better option, I like to at least help bust the boredom with some simple, yet engaging workouts.
Here are a few of my favorite Treadmill Workouts to help beat the Winter Blues:
'Mix It Up, Mary'
Run 1 mile
20 pushups
Run ½ mile
20 squat to overhead press w/dumbells
Run ¼ mile
20 lunges with bicep curls w/dumbells
Run ¼ mile
20 squat to overhead press w/dumbells
Run ½ mile
20 pushups
Run 1 mile
'Progress, Not Perfection, Pam'
Run 1 mile warmup at Conversation Pace
3 mile progression (increase speed by 0.1mph every 2 minutes until you reach all-out pace)
Run 1 mile cooldown at Conversation Pace
Example: Warm up 1 mile at 6.0
Increase 6.1 for 2 minutes, 6.2 for 2 minutes, 6.3 for 2 minutes, etc., for 3 miles
Cool down 1 mile at 6.0
'Up & Down the Ladder, Larry'
Run 1 mile warmup at Conversation Pace
200m, 400m, 600m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m at 5k Pace with 1 minute recovery jog in between
Run 1 mile cooldown at Conversation Pace
Mind over Matter
Those are just a few of the workouts I use to help bust through the ‘dread-mill’ boredom when the Winter weather keeps me inside. I hope you use one of these workouts if you are feeling the Winter Running Blues. If you do, drop a comment below and let me know what you thought. And just remember, when all else fails…visualize your happy place and your idea of perfect running weather, head outside, and embrace the season!
Until next time…Happy Running!
19 Lessons from 2019
December 30, 2019 /"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. Lewis
What's Your Word?
At the start of a new year, I like to choose a word that I will focus on. One word that essentially defines a goal, a feeling, or a mission that will become my axis for the year ahead.
As I began 2019, my word of the year was ‘Confidence’. 7 days in, I realized something was missing. Before I could truly attain confidence, I needed to embrace another ‘C’ word…’Courage’.
Courage & Confidence
Courage & Confidence became the pillars on which I lived each and every day of 2019. Each day when I wrote in my journal, I wrote those two words at the top of the page to remind myself of my main theme of the year and what I was striving for. When I was unsure of what to do in any situation, I would ask myself, “Will this build courage and confidence?” If the answer was ‘Yes’, then I would whole-heartedly jump right in and do it. I said yes to many things this year that my previously failure-fearing, introverted self would have perceived as impossible, and just simply not for me.
19 Lessons Learned in 2019
As I take this week to look at the past year; the wins, the losses, the joy, the heartbreak, the moments of challenge and the moments of ease; I can say one thing for sure. This may have been the year of my life that I have been truest to myself. The year that I allowed myself the grace to not strive for perfection, but just to be as Me as I could be. I learned a lot about life and myself and what it takes to have courage and build confidence over the last 365 days.
19 Lessons Learned in 2019:
- Letting go of trying to be “perfect” for everyone else will lead you to finding the most imperfectly authentic, awesome version of You.
- If you open your heart and eyes to endless grand possibilities, the universe will keep sending incredible opportunities for you to receive.
- If you believe that you are a certain way, positive or negative, that is the version of you that will show up every single day.
- You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.
- Goals are nice to have, but without a plan to get you there, you’re going to find yourself running in circles.
- Wherever you are, be present in that moment.
- Begin each day with gratitude and it will change your life.
- Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
- Imperfect action is always better than no action at all.
- Running many miles with friends is one of the best ways to spend an early Saturday or Sunday morning.
- If someone asks if you can do something, make it your goal to not only deliver on the ask, but over-deliver.
- It is possible to simultaneously be crippled with grief by the loss of a loved one and celebrate life with those left behind.
- You are never too old to skip down the street, sing off-key at the top of your lungs in public, or just really need a hug from your Mom.
- Sometimes the best gift you can give your kids is to just stop talking and listen while they work through difficult decisions on their own.
- It’s not enough to strengthen your body. In order to perform at your best, you must also strengthen your mind.
- Workout & accountability buddies, near and far, are an integral part of reaching goals.
- Your children are always watching you, no matter how old or young they are, and learning from your words and actions. Be someone they can be proud to look up to.
- Nerves are a selfish emotion.
- You are always stronger than you think.
New Year, New Word
As we turn the page on 2019 and usher in a new year, a new decade, I will carry all of these lessons and more with me.
‘Courage’ and ‘Confidence’ have served me well in 2019, but their work is only getting started. I will be taking those words with me as I journey into 2020, while adding my new defining word to the mix:
I hope you will all find your own defining word or words to carry you into 2020 and live them to the fullest. And as we welcome the new year, I hope you will set goals, build a road map to get you where you want to go, be brave, try new things, welcome challenges, and above all else…believe in yourself. You got this!
Happy New Year & Happy Running!
-Coach Lynn
Finding Confidence in a Great Pair of Shoes
August 3, 2019 /“Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world.” -Marilyn Monroe
Feelings & Fairytales
The right pair of shoes can elicit the most intense feelings- confidence, joy, badassery. They can make or break an outfit, an interview, a game, or a run. Comfortably fitting shoes are important, but the PERFECT shoes can make you feel invincible.
From the moment Cinderella’s fairy godmother waves her magic wand and the glass slippers appear on her feet, Cinderella becomes empowered to stand up for herself, rebel against her wicked stepmother and take control of her life.
Dorothy follows the yellow brick road in her ruby slippers to find the Wizard of Oz in search of answers, all the while neglecting to realize that she alone held the power to turn her dreams into reality.
After Forrest Gump breaks free from the constraints of his leg braces and Jenny buys him his white Nike trainers, he meanders through life in a multitude of fascinating directions. As Forrest’s mom likes to say, ‘You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes- where they goin’, where they been’.
The way I feel when I lace up the perfect pair of new running sneakers for the first time is some kind of amazing combination of all of those three scenarios combined- Empowered, Confident, & ready to conquer anything that comes my way.
Be You
If you ask most seasoned runners, they will happily tell you a brand of shoes that they swear by. I, for one, am whole-heartedly devoted to Brooks. Their slogan is “run happy”, and that, I do…every single time I lace up. They tend to have a wider toe box and depending which series you go with, you can match the cushioning and stability options to what feels best for your individual fit and preference. You can check out their selection on their website and even take a brief quiz to help lead you in the right direction.
Though most runners will gladly offer you advice and guidance, remember this…You Be You! What’s great for one person may not be the right choice for someone else. In the end, if you’re unsure what would work best for you, I highly recommend visiting your local running store and getting some help from a professional. I’ve been going to Rhode Runner in Providence, RI for years and absolutely love the knowledgeable and friendly staff.
Finding Your Glass Slipper
Just as Cinderella’s glass slippers fit her perfectly, so too should your running shoes. If you’re just getting into running, or if you’re a seasoned runner who could use a refresher, here’s a list of the most important things to keep in mind when buying a pair of running shoes:
- What surface will you be running on?
- Whether you plan to take your runs through a trail or onto the open road, there’s a shoe for that. Trail running involves rough, uneven terrain which calls for extra traction and more cushioning. Running on smoother surfaces such as a road or track calls for a lighter more flexible shoe.
- Have a running gait analysis done.
- A running expert at your local specialty running store can provide a running gait analysis which is priceless in choosing the right shoes. This analysis helps gauge your “pronation”, a fancy term for the amount that your foot rolls inward toward your arch when you walk or run. Whether you over-pronate (your foot rolls in excessively toward your arch) or you under-pronate (your foot rolls out) the right shoes can help stabilize your movement which helps with running efficiency and avoiding injury.
- Size matters
- According to a study by the American College of Sports Medicine, 85% of people wear running shoes that don’t fit. As a general rule, your big toe should be a thumbnail’s distance (or half an inch) from the end of the shoe. That could mean you go up a half or full size from your regular shoes. Listen ladies, this is not a time for vanity. Believe me, your toes (and toenails) will thank you for the extra room.
- Shop in the evening.
- Our feet swell as it gets later in the day. Shop in the morning and you run the risk of not factoring in the extra room needed to account for swelling from the heat later in the day.
- Select by fit and feel, not how they look.
- I know, I know…we all want to look cute, as well as perform well in our running gear, but the truth is, the better the fit, the more confident you’ll feel and we all look fabulous when we are wearing our Confidence!
- Replace shoes after 300-500ish miles.
- Unfortunately, even your favorites won’t last forever. Over time, the material in the sneakers loses its ability to absorb shock and can lead to overuse injuries. Keep a mileage log and track your overall distance and pay attention to any aches and pains that may arise. It could be your body’s way of telling you that your shoes are past their prime.
The World is at Your Feet
Whenever I go shopping for new running shoes, I feel like a kid in a candy store. It’s like finding a new friend to spend the next few hundred miles with. You want to make sure that “friend” will offer you the best support and guidance as you hit the road (or trails), so heed my advice, do your homework, and choose wisely.
Ultimately, whatever brand, color, or size running shoes you choose I hope they make you feel as Empowered as Cinderella, as Confident as Dorothy, and as Fearless as Forrest Gump.
Now get out there and hit the ground running. The world is at your feet…make sure you’re wearing the right running shoes.
- What surface will you be running on?
How to Slay the Day by Hitting the Snooze Button
June 23, 2019 /“A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.”
The Problem
Everyone will tell you that you should never, ever hit the snooze button. They tell you that when your alarm goes off, you should immediately get up and start your day. Some studies even go so far as to tell you that hitting the snooze button is bad for your health. REALITY CHECK PEOPLE…the act of hitting the snooze button is not the problem, it’s what you do with those minutes after you hit snooze that’s the problem.
The Confession
I have a confession to make…I hit the snooze button once Every. Single. Morning. There it is, I said it. My alarm wakes me up at 5:10am every morning. I immediately reach over and hit the snooze button. I know what you’re thinking….Damn, girl, I can’t believe you are actually admitting that! Well, I do, and that’s the truth. But here’s where it gets really good. My snooze button gives me 9 minutes. I do not fall back to sleep. It is not a tactic to waste time, or stall getting up. Those 9 minutes are the key to starting my day with positivity and wellness. I use them to practice gratitude for all the amazing gifts I have in my life. I use them to think about and set my intentions for the day. I use them to reflect on where I am and where I someday hope to be and how the actions I take today can lead me there.
9 Minutes of Gratitude + Intention + Action = 24 hours of Happiness
The End Goal
Happiness in our lives is what we are all after- the “end goal”, so to speak. There is a great episode from my favorite podcast, The Ed Mylette Show, where Ed discusses having “Blissful Dissatisfaction”. (Oct 17, 2018 episode). He talks about how most people delay their happiness now and decide that when they reach a certain goal, hit a certain status, or make a certain amount of money, then they will be happy. Ed explains that our ultimate end goal is not simply happiness, but fulfillment, and in order for us to achieve that fulfillment we must learn how to be happy in our current situation while simultaneously striving for something more.
Let me tell you this…what I have learned is that wherever you are right now, is exactly where you are supposed to be. The reason is not always clear. And sometimes when you are going through a challenging time, it can really suck. But even when we’re struggling to figure things out, there is always a lesson to be learned and there is always some joy to be found. And it starts with being grateful for what we have.
So if you had the power to start each and every day by choosing to control your own happiness before the outside world starts to creep its way in, wouldn’t you want to use that power to your advantage? Of course you would. The beauty is, you do have that power.
The Strategy
Slay the Day Gratitude Session
- Hit the snooze button. I’m serious. This sets a “timer” for your Slay the Day Gratitude Session.
- Make a list in your mind of all the things you are grateful for & give thanks to God, the Universe, or whatever higher power you believe in for manifesting those things in your life.
- Set your intentions for the day. Think about the things that are on your calendar and envision what your day is going to look like, feel like, and sound like. Focus on positive outcomes for all your daily intentions and how the actions you take today are going to lead you to where you want to go.
- Take action. When the 9 minutes are up and your alarm sounds again, get up and get moving. You have now set the stage for yourself to go out into the world and Slay the Day!
What to Eat to Enhance Running Performance
April 2, 2019 /“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” -Virginia Woolf
Imagine you are seated alone at a large dining table. In front of you are 2 plates covered with shiny silver domes. You have no idea what food is beneath the covers, but in front of each plate there is a sign.
Sign #1 reads: ‘The delicious food on this plate contains all the nutrients you will need for optimal health and wellness of mind, body, heart, and soul. It will leave you energized and ready to tackle anything life throws your way.’
Sign #2 reads: ‘The food on this plate tastes really good, but will leave you feeling…meh.’
Which one do you choose? Hmmm….decisions, decisions.
Food is Fuel
There are 5 Essential Nutrient Classes our bodies need to function properly:
- Water– delivers nutrients to working muscles and assists in temperature regulation
- Carbohydrates- provides energy to fuel muscles and prevent mental fatigue
- Protein- provides building blocks for protein synthesis which allows for proper cell function, mental energy and recovery from exercise
- Fat- provides fatty acids for optimal cell function, hormone balance, and energy production
- Vitamins, Minerals, & Phytonutrients- micronutrients that allow carbohydrates, protein and fat to be used efficiently and appropriately in the body
When we fuel our bodies correctly with essential nutrients and micronutrients we will see the benefit in not only our athletic performance, but our daily lives. If we consistently choose to fill our hunger with “junk” food, our performance and health will suffer.
A Balanced Meal Plan
So when faced with the decision of which plate to choose, it’s kind of a no-brainer, right? We all want to feel our best everyday, so it would be natural that we would choose Plate #1. However, lift the covers, lose the printed warning signs, and all bets are off as we navigate through life not necessarily making the best choices for our long term health, but what we want at that particular moment.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that every single thing you put in your mouth needs to be all fruits and veggies, all the time. I mean, I’m all for a plate of pasta or a bowl of ice cream now and then. Most things, in moderation, are perfectly fine for most people. But, when you are looking to optimize your training, nothing can compare to a well thought out, balanced meal plan.
Nutrition impacts athletic performance. That is a fact. This includes not only what you eat right before or right after a workout, but everything in between.
Every body is unique. When working on a meal plan for yourself, it may be helpful to seek the help of a professional nutritionist or dietician to lead you down the right path for you. For our purposes today, I’m going to leave you with some suggestions for how to fuel pre- and post- workout.
What to Eat Before a Workout
Again, it’s important to find what works for you. You may need to do some trial and error to figure out what leaves you feeling your best and most energized.
For me, during the week, I tend to do fasted workouts. Waking early in the morning, I feel best simply hydrating with 4-8 oz of water before I hit the road or the gym, and drinking more as needed during exercise. Fasted workouts are definitely not for everyone. You need to listen to your body and do what makes you feel best.
For weekend sessions, which generally includes a long run, I choose a light breakfast low in fat containing complex carbs and a small amount of protein.
My go-to is ½ plain bagel, ½ banana, cup of coffee along with 8-10 oz of water. Some other great options are:
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- Granola bar and ½ banana
- Nutrition bar
- Smoothie
During particularly long or challenging workouts I make sure to replenish electrolytes with my favorite electrolyte drink, Nuun.
What to Eat After a Workout
Post-workout nutrition is equally as important since that will determine whether your muscles recover effectively. Eating a snack or light meal containing both carbs and protein within 30 minutes of completion, and then again within 2 hours will aid in optimizing muscle recovery.
My go-to post-run is a Protein shake made with almond milk. Some other great options are:
- Low-fat chocolate milk
- Trail mix and banana
- fruit/yogurt smoothie
- Bagel w/peanut butter
Find what works for you!
Make Good Choices
Hopefully this helps shed some light on why making good food choices is essential for optimizing health, wellness, and athletic performance. In the end, most people, myself included, will never choose “Option 1”, 100% of the time, and that’s OK. Again, my personal philosophy is, “everything in moderation”. Most days, I drink my protein shake….and some days, I go straight for the donut.
For more detailed nutrition information for different types of runs, check out this great article by Heather Mayer Irvine at Runner’s World:
Change Your Mind & Change Your Life
March 21, 2019 /“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.”
–Henry Ford
The Lies...
I’m not athletic.
I could never run a 5k.
I’m lazy & unmotivated.
I don’t have time to work out.
I don’t have the discipline to stick with a plan.
I’ve tried it before and failed, so if I try again I will fail again.
We all struggle with Limiting beliefs…the voice inside your head telling you that you “can’t” do something. These beliefs are not facts, but opinions based on our experiences which, over time, our subconscious has tricked us into believing. Now imagine the ability to identify what is holding us back from achieving our full potential and taking steps to change that.
I Believed I Wasn't Strong Enough
On an unseasonably cool summer night in 2009 while sitting around a backyard campfire with some friends, we started discussing the topic of Running. My neighbor and I had started running casually together a few times a week to get some exercise. One of our friends was telling us about a 10 miler she had completed recently and how she was signing up to run a half marathon in October. We all marveled at her strength and determination. A few cocktails later, my neighbor and I had decided what a great idea it would be for us to train for a half-marathon together.
My feeling the next morning was a bit less enthusiastic. Were we serious? Are we really going to do this? At the time, I had never run longer than 4 or 5 miles at a time, so 13.1 miles seemed impossible. I had serious doubts. Nonetheless, we had declared our goal, and with both of us being slightly (read, “VERY”) competitive in nature, the challenge was on. We had 12 weeks to get “race ready”.
The Plan
We had come up with a plan to run 3 mornings per week before work & a longer run on the weekends. The first few weeks of training were daunting. I had no idea how to breath, how to pace myself, or how to fuel for the long runs. But each day, we’d lace up our sneakers, meet in my driveway at 5:30am, and hit the pavement. I remember being so thankful for having such a great running buddy, keeping each other accountable, showing up for every run and motivating each other. I also remember thinking, how the hell am I going to run for 13 miles straight? I had internal arguments with my limiting beliefs daily…
You can’t do this. (Watch me.)
You are not strong enough. (Yes I am.)
You aren’t disciplined enough to stick to the plan. (5am, time to wake up!)
As each week passed, that voice inside my head seemed softer, and more distant. The more miles I covered, the more confident I felt. We were really going to do this!
Fast forward to race week…Now, If you know New England weather at all, then you know it is completely unpredictable. October 18, 2009 was no exception. Days before the race, with a looming storm on the horizon, we prepared for the worst. Layers, rain gear, gloves, ear warmers were all laid out the night before. Not having trained in anything more than a sporadic light rain, we had no idea what we were in for.
Race Day
As we toed the line for the 8am start, the limiting beliefs began to creep in….how am I going to do this? I’m not prepared. I’m not strong enough. What if I can’t finish. I will be so embarassed. On, and on, I spiraled….until suddenly in that moment, amongst the 60 mph winds and torrential rain, I looked around at the hundreds of other runners and realized I had found my tribe. We were all there to do the thing we had prepared to do, and rain or shine, come hell or high-water, we were going to do this!
The race began, and it was like I was running away from all those limiting beliefs I had been harboring. For 2 hours and 40 minutes, I, along with my fellow runners, “embraced the suck”…and I loved every single minute of it. I laugh now as I look back at the pictures that my husband took of me during the race that day, at mile 12.5, almost at the finish, soaked to the bone….and still, the biggest smile on my face (see below) because I was so thrilled at what I was about to accomplish, despite what I had always believed were my limits. Crossing the finish line that day was so empowering. I had kicked those limiting beliefs to the curb and accomplished what I never thought I could. Because I was persistent, consistent, and determined to change my mind, I was able to change my life.
Newport Half Marathon, October 18, 2009 “I laugh…at mile 12.5, almost at the finish, soaked to the bone….and still, the biggest smile on my face because I was so thrilled at what I was about to accomplish, despite of what I had always believed were my limits.”
What's Holding You Back?
There are countless limiting beliefs, and none of them serve us. The key is identifying those beliefs and challenging them head-on. If you are struggling with a self-limiting belief surrounding your fitness goals, picture yourself already having reached your goal. The more clear you can see it, the more real it becomes. Visualize how you feel, what you look like, what you’re wearing, who you’re with…create a mental picture and think about it every day.
Self-Limiting beliefs will hold you back from achieving your greatness in any aspect of life. If you believe that you can’t accomplish something, then you are not even going to try because it will make you uncomfortable. Give yourself permission to get uncomfortable and embrace your true potential. If you fear failing, your faith needs to be stronger than your fear. Know that your mind will quit long before your body ever will. Set a goal and put it in motion. When the doubt tries to creep in, stand your ground. Keep pushing. Build confidence. Change your own damn mind. Show up, every single day. Stay strong, and CRUSH YOUR GOALS!
The Secret to Running That No One Will Tell You
March 8, 2019 /“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” -John Bingham
You Wish
It’s a beautiful, crisp sunny day and you’re driving down the street, listening to your favorite podcast when something up ahead catches your eye. You can’t quite make it out at first, but as you get closer the movement becomes more clear…feet and arms moving in sync, ponytail flipping back and forth, the hint of a smile glimmering in the sunlight…it is a Runner.
Have you ever witnessed someone running down the street, immersed in the moment, and envied their strength, determination, and commitment, and then thought…”I wish I could do that”?
Stop Wishing, Start Doing
Well, I’m here to tell you…you CAN do it. But first, you need to stop ‘wishing‘, and start ‘doing‘.
Of course, there are some popular tips that can help you get started on your journey to becoming a runner:
- Wear the right sneakers
- Schedule it into your day
- Start slowly
- Stay hydrated
- Include a proper warm-up and cool-down in your routine
These basic tips are pretty straight forward and typical of what you might find on any runner’s blog. But, I promised you more, didn’t I?
The Secret...
So, my friend, here it is…the secret to becoming a runner that no one is telling you…The very first thing you must do if you want to start running…before you do any of the 5 steps listed above, is:
Yes, you read that right…the number one, most crucial thing you have to do in order to be a successful runner is change your mindset. Your body can literally do just about anything. Your only limits lie within your mind. The first part of doing anything is believing that you can.
Running is as much a mental sport, as physical. Even after running for over 20 years, and logging tens of thousands of miles, it is still a mental game that I have come to enjoy playing. Your body is capable of so much more than you give it credit for.
So if you have been thinking about becoming a runner, and didn’t know where to begin, treat your Mindset like your very first Starting Line. Train for it. Push through waves of doubt. Tell that little voice inside your head that tries to talk you out of it to sit the hell down, because you are a Badass and you have work to do, plans to make, and goals to reach.
Do You Have What it Takes?
Well…do you? Do you have the guts to believe in yourself? To challenge yourself? To change your mindset?
You are in control of your mindset and when you choose to believe that you can do something, there is no stopping you! So now that we got that out of the way, we can get back to basics and focus on the 5 tips I shared with you earlier in this post in a little more detail:
- Wear the right sneakers-
- The one investment you must make before hitting the pavement, track, or trail, is the right pair of running shoes. There are virtually thousands of options, which can be overwhelming, so I recommend visiting your local running store for some guidance in choosing the perfect pair for you.
- Schedule it into your day-
- Treat your running time like any other appointment you make. Put it on your calendar and make it non-negotiable.
- Start slowly-
- As you begin, run for time, not distance. Try alternating between running and walking. This will help your body to adjust to the higher impact of running and build up your endurance. Over time, you can adjust the ratio of running vs. walking until you are running the entire length of your workout.
- Stay hydrated-
- Make sure to fuel your body with nutritious foods and hydrate properly so that you have enough energy to fuel your runs.
- Include a proper warm-up and cool-down in your routine-
- Warm up some dynamic stretching and a 3-5 minute walk to begin to elevate your heart rate and get your body used to moving. After your run, cool down with a 3-5 minute walk to bring your heart rate back down.
The Big Question Mark
The next time you catch a glimpse of a runner, and find yourself longing to join in… don’t wish, just do.
Elite runner, Peter Maher, coined the phrase:
“Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today.'”
Well…which is it?
5 Ways Running Will Change Your Life
February 26, 2019 /“It took a while for her to figure out she could run, but when she did…it changed her life.” -‘Stupid Boy’ by Keith Urban
You’re not feeling like your best self. You’re tired, anxious, and overwhelmed by all the daily responsibilities that tend to take over your life, and lacking any motivation to focus on your own well-being. You’re “stuck in a rut”.
We’ve all been there at one time or another. There are times in our life that we feel totally on top of our game, 100% motivated, crushing goals, dancing happily through life and checking things off our “To Do” list like a Boss. And then…there are times that just getting off the couch long enough to use the bathroom feels like a monumental task.
This is your time of need…you are lacking Self-care.
The Self-Care Circle
Most of the time when we’re feeling overwhelmed and off-balance, we are suffering from a lack of self-care and we don’t even realize it. As wives, moms, sisters, and friends, we all have an inherent tendency to put everyone else’s needs before our own. We stretch ourselves so thin making sure everyone around us is happy that we put our own needs aside. What we fail to realize is that it’s impossible for our hearts to serve others well if we are not taking care of the vessel in which our heart thrives- our bodies.
Self-care can be wrapped in many types of packages: proper nutrition, regular exercise, mindful meditation, spa days, girl trips, or any combination of these. The important thing is finding what works for you and taking action toward it.
Start by introducing one aspect of self-care into your routine at a time. By slowly and consciously setting aside time for yourself, you will begin to see a transformation in your life. For instance, let’s say your goal is to exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 6 weeks. After a while, you’ll start to realize that you have more energy, you feel healthier, and you’re more motivated. This will lead you to start making healthier food choices to further enhance that feeling. Once you enter this mindful state of taking care of yourself, it will begin to expand to all aspects of your life, will circle back, and overflow into the lives of everyone around you.
Choose Your Happy
We all experience stress in our lives which is why it is so fundamentally important to find an outlet that makes you genuinely happy. My “happy place” and best stress reliever is Running. It’s become such a part of who I am that it’s like an instinct, like eating, sleeping, and breathing. Running has changed me both physically and mentally. Not only is it one of the best calorie-burning exercises, but it also helps clear my head when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
The series of conversations and arguments I have with myself while running helps me feel stronger mentally, not just physically. The strength you gain from running spills over to all parts of your life when you are faced with challenges and obstacles that you need to overcome.
5 Awesome Ways Running Will Change Your Life
So, without further ado, here are 5 awesome ways running will change your life:
1. Running burns an average of 100 calories per mile
If you are looking for a serious calorie burn, look no further. While the exact number of calories burned will fluctuate based on specifics like body weight, age, and body composition, it still burns more calories than most other recreational activities.
2. Running can help reduce stress
Stress can have significant negative impact on your body including your heart, lungs, brain, and digestive and immune systems. Running releases endorphins- those “feel good” hormones which help slow the aging process, relieve stress and anxiety, and enhance the immune system.
3. Running helps to build strong bones
This is especially good news as we get older. As we age, our bones that are not worked out regularly can become weak. Active running helps bones remain strong and flexible.
4. Running can enhance joint health
Just as it does for bones and muscles, running strengthens cartilage, which cushions our joints. Strong muscles built by a healthy combination of running and strength training, support joints, making them less vulnerable to injury.
5. Running boosts brain power
Running improves focus and helps you learn and process information quicker. As a result of increased cortisol levels, runners benefit from better memorization and information retention skills. So, runners are not only fit and less stressed, but smart too!
The Time is Now
While I am clearly a fan of Running, I encourage you to find your “happy place.” Wherever that place is, stop making excuses and get started. It doesn’t have to be the first of the month, a Monday, or your birthday to break out of that “rut” and begin down the path of self-care.
Tips to get you started on the right foot:
- Set a realistic goal
- Make an action plan
- Schedule it into your day
Once you (and your loved ones) start to see the benefits of your new self-care routine, there will be no stopping you!
The Most Important 5 Minutes of Your Workout
Busting Through the Winter Blues
19 Lessons from 2019
Finding Confidence in a Great Pair of Shoes
How to Slay the Day by Hitting the Snooze Button
What to Eat to Enhance Running Performance
Change Your Mind & Change Your Life
The Secret to Running That No One Will Tell You
5 Ways Running Will Change Your Life